
It's Not You, It's Me

Oh my poor neglected blog, I don't know what to say. It's not that I don't love you anymore. You've been there for me through so many trials and tribulations. You were there when I was an overwhelmed mom of a toddler and an infant, when I became a stay-at-home mom, when I moved halfway across the country and when I had baby number 3. You have introduced me to some of the most awesome people in the world. You are a part of my soul. But.

It's not just that I've been busier, blog. I mean, of course that's a big part of it. Being a stay-at-home mom of 2 kids too young for preschool, who nap for 3 hours every day, is way different from being a mom of 3 kids who have school and activities and homework. But it's not only that.

It's that I've become. . . . .well, bored. Not the soul-sucking boredom of watching Ironflower swim laps during her swim lesson without an iPhone to entertain me when it's not her turn, but boredom nonetheless. I just don't feel like writing about my parenting fails anymore. At least, not the ones that would allow me to blog on a regular basis. I read other great mommyesque  blogs like Mommy Wants Vodka and My Mommy's Place and Mom 101 and I am reminded of how much I love this genre. And how I just can't give you that kind of life, blog.

It's really not you, it's me.

Oh blog, don't cry. Seriously, you'll get my keyboard wet. I'm not breaking up with you.
I don't even want to "take a break" so I can bang (out) some other blog guilt-free. Although, have you ever considered another makeover? Your enthusiasm for them is infectious. Of course, I think you're beautiful just the way my limited web design skills could make you.

I'd just like to spice things up a little. Rekindle the way things were in the beginning, when we couldn't get enough of each other.  Maybe some role-play? Costumes? Movies? Threesomes? Okay, you're totally right about the threesomes. One of us has too many control issues for that. But I feel like we owe it to the 3 people who are still reading this blog to give them a better experience here. More consistent. More positive. More honest. More glittery.

Frankly, I need it too.


Leslie said...

I took a little vacation from my blog during the holidays to think about where I wanted to go from here with it.

"More consistent. More positive. More honest. More glittery."

YES. Me, too.

Abbie said...

I took a break myself as well. I wish it was a vacation or out of boredom. I come back when I can. Come back when you can will look forward to it when you do

WordVixen said...

I must be #3. :-) And I know EXACTLY how you feel. Notice that I only post about every 6 months? I've often had the sudden "oooh, I wanna post about that!" feeling, but by the time I can get my dashboard open, I totally lose interest and post it to FaceBook instead.

Not even good paying posts can tempt me these days, which sucks because I totally could use the money. But since I refuse to post a paid post without an immediate followup of a regular post... meh. Too much effort. If it weren't for the book reviews that I sign up for, I'd probably never post at all ever again! It's sad...