
Soap Opera Sunday, Episode 2

And now we go back in time to 1999, when TripleZmom was single and her life was soap opera-like.  To read episode 1, go here.

Because I was so flummoxed by the kiss, I did not respond, "What kind of favor?" in a sexy voice. To be honest, I probably wouldn't have been able to be flirtatious like that even if I hadn't been flummoxed. But I do blame the kiss on my next comment, which was "How old are you, anyway?"

Cute young guy laughed and said that he'd be 21 the following week. I would be 28 a few weeks later. I told him he was too young for me and he claimed that I "at least" owed him my phone number. I only gave it in the spirit of thanks and the Nine Rule (my friend Mimi and I had deduced that for every 9 guys who ask for your number, only 1 will actually call).

But of course, young guy (heretofore known as "21-year-old, which is what my friends dubbed him) called. The next day. He persuaded me to go out to dinner with him. I found him attractive, after all. But at dinner I discovered that 21-year-old did not read books. Ever. We were clearly not meant to be.

When I got home from the dinner, still a little stunned from the passionate kiss good-bye, Brad called. I was still trying to figure out why I had been kissing a 21-year-old with whom I had no intention of dating when Brad asked me what I'd been up to. So I told him.

Well, not the kissing part, but the date part. Brad and I, after all, were just casual. More friends than anything else. I knew he had a crush on the waitress at Tanner's, for God's sake. Yet when I said I'd been out to dinner with a guy I'd met at Kelly's, Brad got upset.

"Geez, Jen, I thought WE were dating," he said plaintively. "I know we're not exclusive or anything, but I didn't think you'd actually date other people and TELL me about it."

"So is it the dating other people or the telling you that's the problem? Because I'm pretty sure I have to hear all about the waitress whenever we go to Tanner's," I replied snottily. Not that I cared, of course. Suddenly the simplicity of 21-year-old flashed before my eyes - he'd declared what he'd wanted so simply. HE wanted to be my boyfriend. So what if he was kind of an idiot. What did Brad want? Did he even know?

And for that matter, what did I want?


Brillig said...

Oh. Mygosh. What a persistent young thing he was! He sounds perfectly adorable, really, but I can only imagine that it all leads to trouble. Hahahaha. I'm loving this story and looking forward to the rest!

Secret Agent Mama said...

More, more, more!! Great story, JG!!

Sarcastic Mom (aka Lotus) said...

Yay! I can't wait to read next Sunday. :-)

anno said...

Hmmmm. Do you take the good time or the sure thing? Or is this a false dilemma? Looking forward to next week!

Luisa Perkins said...

Yikes! I sense more fireworks are on their way...

Jen of A2eatwrite said...

This totally wasn't fair to cut it off here. Great story so far!

Marci B. said...

Just gets better and better!

By the way - I `just tagged you! Hope you enjoy playing :)

Leslie said...

Ah, what a breath of fresh air 21 year old boy must have been! Especially after a separation or divorce. Sometimes, you need someone that just wants to be your boyfriend, someone who maybe doesn't read but ooh, he can kiss (and probably do other things really, really well).

I'm loving your S.O.S. stories!

Jess said...

Oh, man, we have to wait until next Sunday?
Awesome writing, JG!

Leslie said...

Ah, what a breath of fresh air 21 year old boy must have been! Especially after a separation or divorce. Sometimes, you need someone that just wants to be your boyfriend, someone who maybe doesn't read but ooh, he can kiss (and probably do other things really, really well).

I'm loving your S.O.S. stories!

Jen of A2eatwrite said...

This totally wasn't fair to cut it off here. Great story so far!

Jess said...

Oh, man, we have to wait until next Sunday?
Awesome writing, JG!