
Jerseygirl89 - The Exclusive Interview

Many thanks to Leslie at My Mommy's Place for providing me with another wonderful and creative blog post topic.

Setting: A large television studio in NYC.

Ace reporter Leslie, decked out in a red Chanel power suit, quickly glances through notecards prepared by her hapless assistant. "Where were you born? She's Jerseygirl - what kind of a stupid question is that?" Leslie throws the notecards at the assistant. "Let me show you how it's done, little boy."

Jerseygirl, in layers of cashmere and pearls, strolls into the studio and sits down across from Leslie. They nod at one another.

"Action!" yells the director. (or whatever they say for interviews. I don't actually know.)

Leslie: If there were a movie made of your life, what would it be called and who would be cast in it?

Jerseygirl: Hmmmm.. . .I've been told that I bear a slight resemblance to either Gillian Anderson or Drew Barrymore, so I suppose one of them should play me. Probably Drew, I think Gillian is too serious. I think Hubby could play himself, seeing as how he's an actor. Although if he's busy I'm thinking Ben Affleck, just because I like him. I know the movie would have to be directed by Kevin Smith because he is one of my favorite directors and we've got the whole Jersey connection. But since he already made a bomb called Jerseygirl, I suppose we'll have to call it.. . .The World According to Jen.

Leslie: What is the best advice you've ever received?

Jerseygirl: I'm not very good at taking advice. Or remembering it, for that matter. But about five years ago my friend Mimi told me, "Call that guy and invite him over." And I did. And now we have two kids. Does that count?

Leslie: What advice would you have given yourself five years ago?

Jerseygirl: Five years ago, I probably would have advised myself and my friends to transfer out of the school we were teaching at so we wouldn't have had to deal with the evil principal. I also would have advised myself to wear a bikini more, since that chance would soon be gone.

Leslie: What traits do your children possess that most definitely came from you?

Jerseygirl: Well, they are both very passionate - some might say overly dramatic. They love books. Dancing makes them happy. They are both incredibly stubborn. They can be very shy OR very outgoing. All of those traits come from me, I think.

Leslie: What is your philosophy, creed or motto for life?

Jerseygirl: You ask some very challenging questions.

Leslie smirks at her assistant.

Jerseygirl: I don't have one overall creed - I have a few that I try to keep in mind.

Leslie: Like?

Jerseygirl: Be yourself. Do unto others. Humor is the best medicine. Appreciate what you do have. Keep your mind open. And never trust anyone who's only read one book.

"That's a wrap!" yells the director. "Great job, Leslie!"

If you would like your own personalized set of interview questions, email me at thejerseygirl89 at yahoo.com.


Leslie said...

Oh! Great interview! You are sooo creative. You make sound all smart and stuff. You are one great interview-ee.

Leslie said...

P.S. I think I would look awesome in a red Chanel power suit.

Jerseygirl89 said...

Leslie - Thank you - I had so much fun. I might email you for more questions when I need creative inspiration! And when I win the lottery, I will totally send you a Chanel suit.

Marci B. said...

AWESOME! What a fun post. Thanks for sharing it with all of us :)

Brillig said...

Hmmmmm, is it too late to ask your for an interview? I can only imagine that you'd be a hilarious/creative/entertaining interviewer... If it IS too late, I totally understand. You rocked these questions, for sure. What fun!

Rachel said...


Brillig said...

Hmmmmm, is it too late to ask your for an interview? I can only imagine that you'd be a hilarious/creative/entertaining interviewer... If it IS too late, I totally understand. You rocked these questions, for sure. What fun!

Jerseygirl89 said...

Leslie - Thank you - I had so much fun. I might email you for more questions when I need creative inspiration! And when I win the lottery, I will totally send you a Chanel suit.