
Is My Son Weird?

Well, duh, I know he's weird. He's mine, after all. And he uses headbanging to show frustration as well as affection.

But he's showing a new form of weirdness and I'm not sure what to make of it. One of the neighbors and her granddaughter just came by. Granddaughter is selling Girl Scout cookies, much to my joy (and my hips' dismay). While our transaction is going down, Ironflower and Lovebug proceed to show my neighbor their new trains.

Lovebug correctly identifies all the numbers on the trains! Granted, they were nice diverse numbers like 1, 5 and 4, but still. The boy also recognizes some letters. Considering that he will not be two until March, I think this is odd.

But he can't identify colors appropriately. If you hold up something green, he says, "blue." If you hold up something red, he says, "yellow". He sees that things are different colors but he rarely uses the correct term to describe an object's color. And he always laughs the whole time.

So is my son:

A. Color-blind?
B. Able to understand shapes better than colors?
C. Messing with me on the whole color thing?

It's not that I'd be that worried about him not knowing his colors under normal circumstances. It's just that I don't get how he could recognize numbers and letters but not colors. That's not developmentally normal.


Leslie said...

Julia used to do the same thing with colors! She even gave the same wrong answers you used in your example - blue was green and green was blue, red was yellow and yellow was red. Part of the time, I thought she was messing with me. Especially because she seemed to enjoy doing it when I was trying to show someone, like her grandparents, how much she knew. But, it all straightened out after a while. And she could count to ten, say her ABC's and identify most of those numbers and letters by the time she was two, too.

Sounds to me like he's a smart little guy and he's yanking Mama's chain.

Jerseygirl89 said...

Leslie - That Julia is one smart cookie. I'd like to think Lovebug was doing the same thing. Ironflower does it - she counts objects to 12 for us, but not for other people, for example - so it's probably that Lovebug is taking after his contrary sister.