
People Have Died For the Right To Vote, You Know

They have fought in wars. They have been in dangerous protests. They have lobbied Congress. They have walked for miles without stopping. All for the right to vote. A lot of us don't appreciate our right to vote anymore. We might think of it as a chore, even.

But voting in the Haiku Buckaroo contest is no chore. It's a pleasure. Really. If you want, you can even vote for me.

haikubuckarooblackvote.pngI am the first entry in both the "Most Erotic" and "Most Disgusting" categories. I'm not sure what that says about me.

Anyway, you don't have to walk for miles to cast your vote. You can just click here.


LunaNik said...

Just voted for you!

anglophilefootballfanatic said...

Bwoohoohahahah. You crack me up something fierce.

mkate said...

I placed my vote!

jerseygirl89 said...

mkate - Thanks!

Leslie said...

Good luck!

Leslie said...

Good luck!