
No, I AM Grateful, Dammit

Today my daughter told me that she doesn't want to have kids because she doesn't want to work that hard. In case you didn't know, my daughter is four.

I feel like such an asshole.

I mean, she's not supposed to know how much work kids are yet, right?

And though I hope she remembers this fact when she starts having sex in fifteen years, I somehow doubt it. Clearly the bigger problem is that my four year old thinks knows she and her brothers are a lot of work.

I feel like I should fix it, but I don't know how.

I do feel overworked right now. We're broke, so I'm constantly trying to write articles from home while managing three kids under five, the youngest of whom screams whenever I'm not next to him and the two oldest of whom are extremely hyper. My dishwasher is dead, my toaster oven is dead and my fridge has stopped making ice. I can't find a place to put everything so the house never looks clean, even when it is. Which it usually isn't, but that's beside the point.

Right here is where I usually check myself, remind myself that I'm blessed to have three beautiful children, a husband who puts up with me, my home, running water, a fridge that keeps food cold, enough stuff to be overwhelmed by it, civil rights, access to healthcare, a president I actually like . . .

But clearly this grateful attitude is not being conveyed to my children.

Also, I am little concerned that my four year old already has an aversion to working hard.

Any suggestions?


Bren said...

Actually I'm just wondering how you found someone to freelance/write articles for? I have applied to 10 freelance jobs and they were all scams! Where have the real people gone? I used to get jobs :)

marybt said...

start a gratitude journal. write down 3 things you are thankful for every night. it sounds trite, but it really does work and will totally change your attitude. I'm not saying you don't have reasons to be stressed out, I'm just saying that taking the focus off of it really will help.

marybt said...

start a gratitude journal. write down 3 things you are thankful for every night. it sounds trite, but it really does work and will totally change your attitude. I'm not saying you don't have reasons to be stressed out, I'm just saying that taking the focus off of it really will help.