
This One Qualifies as Bitchy

I felt guilty when I first read it. "Oh my God, I do that all the time! I did it to all 3 kids! I'm so irresponsible!" And then, well, then I took a deep breath. I turned off the "Supermom" voice, the one that screams (internally) whenever the baby eats a cracker from the floor, the one that panics (mostly internally) whenever she sees one of her child's peers exhibit a skill her child doesn't have, the one who is thinking about learning to knit just because she thinks moms should know how, not that she has actually interest.

I reread the paragraph. "What was she thinking?" I wondered this time around.

The "she" is some mom who wrote to Parents magazine because her daughter's car seat fell off the shopping cart. Now that sucks, and I'm very glad the baby was okay. Apparently, the shopping cart went over a bump and the car seat fell off the top part. The part where I've been putting my car seats for the last 5 years.

I have never had a car seat fall.

Possibly some of that is luck. And possibly some of it is that when the terrain is bumpy, I freaking hold on to the car seat.

Look, I'm not judging. I'm sure this woman is much more patient than I am and spends hours reading to her baby every day. I bet there are no crackers on her floor. So I'm NOT saying I'm better than she is. I'm really not. I'm just saying. . .didn't she ever notice what the car seat did when it was bumpy? How it bounces it bit? How did she not notice?

And why did Parents magazine have to publish this? Now poor new moms are going to be strapping their babies into Bjorns and not giving their poor backs a damn rest while at the grocery store. Why not just say, "Hold the car seat in the parking lot"?

Is it really too much to ask people who procreate to have some sense?


liz said...

oh my god, that is one of my big fears...  until i discovered that my carseat has a handy dandy little retractable gripper (that holds it to the base in the car) that will actually snap onto the handlebar of the cart...  the other option that i tried (before i discovered that snappy gripper thing) was to put the car seat IN the cart -- then pack as much stuff as i could around it and on the bottom rack of the cart.  doesn't work so well that way, though.  :)and yes, even though i've snapped it onto the cart, i still hold onto it over the bumpy parts.  if only there was a vaccine for stupid and we could eradicate it like small pox...

Laura said...

It's probably the same mother that sparked the recall of 5 million sets of blinds because their babies might choke on them. ?!

Adrienne said...

Come on now, if we required every parent to have a silly thing called sense before they were able to have children, we would quickly run out of kids. :lol:

liz said...

oh my god, that is one of my big fears...  until i discovered that my carseat has a handy dandy little retractable gripper (that holds it to the base in the car) that will actually snap onto the handlebar of the cart...  the other option that i tried (before i discovered that snappy gripper thing) was to put the car seat IN the cart -- then pack as much stuff as i could around it and on the bottom rack of the cart.  doesn't work so well that way, though.  :)and yes, even though i've snapped it onto the cart, i still hold onto it over the bumpy parts.  if only there was a vaccine for stupid and we could eradicate it like small pox...