

I got nothing.

I was doing another project all week - one that didn't involve writing. And I kept thinking, "Oh, can't wait until I have a chance to post again. Blogging is so much more fun." And now I'm done with part 1 and I have time to post (because I am a lazy mother and have always forced my children to play independently, they are all happily acting out dramas with Matchbox cars. Of course, the second I typed that I heard, "Mom! Hugmonkey's stuck in the cars tub!") and I can't think of anything to say.

Do you want to hear about my cold and how my nose resembles Teddy Kennedy's?

Okay then, how about Ironflower's birthday party? It was awesome. Our Y does everything - cake, favors, hostesses - so all I had to do was greet people and take pictures. Hot Guy had to work, but my parents valiantly stepped in to rescue the boys from princess hell and all the girls seemed to have fun. They decorated crowns and bags, applied make-up (which they got to take home), had "tea" (apple juice), sandwiches and cake and danced. Ironflower loved it.

And did I mention that all I had to do was greet people and take pictures? Nevermind, it's worth mentioning twice anyway. My children will be having their parties at the Y until they go to college.

I don't know how we're going to afford to send them, but that's another post. Maybe I could just keep them like this, playing together happily as they take out every toy in the house in support of their Matchbox cars drama?


Kittycat said...

I feel like that some days, Ill be driving along and have a million ideas in my head of what to write about, and then when I actually have the time I cant think of anything.

Catootes said...

All these great ideas for posting ramble around in my head routinely, at inconvenient times.
WHen I sit down to write them, it's like my head is filled with quicksand.
I then revert to listing things, anything.