
Never Thought I'd Hate Dionne Warwick

I'm not proud of this, but .  . . .I've been watching Celebrity Apprentice. Blame it on the fact that there's hardly anything else new on Hulu. (Oh April, you can't come fast enough - Game of Thrones AND Friday Night Lights. Joy.)

I've never watched the regular Apprentice, because really? I don't understand why anyone would actually want to work for Donald Trump. Also? I like watching celebrities reveal their actual personalities, but as for regular people show their cattiness and/or stupidity? I can go to at PTA meeting for that. (I think. I've never actually been to a PTA meeting. I just volunteer for stuff. I stand by my belief that one perk of being a stay-at-home mom is that I don't have to go to meetings anymore) Anyway, there have only been 2 episodes so far this season, so you can totally catch up.

I mean, GARY BUSEY. MEATLOAF. LATOYA JACKSON. How can you not watch? Plus there's one of my favorite Real Housewives, NeNe Leakes. And Dionne Warwick.

Now, I've never actually been a fan of her music - it's not like she's Meatloaf, after all. But I didn't expect her to be such a be-yotch. In the first episode, she struggles to run the cash register but won't let anyone take over for her. That made me sure I'd never actually root for her. But in this last episode? WOW. She tells the (deaf) Marlee Matlin that deafness is "too sad" a topic for a children's book and belittles her and Lisa Rinna until she gets her way. Then she has a fit because she wants her name listed as the creator of the book, instead of the team's name. She just came across as so selfish and thoughtless - every stereotype of a celebrity. Hell, I've still never heard her mention her charity.

Other celebrity impressions: Gary Busey really is crazy. I am still a fan of Meatloaf. Don't fuck with Star Jones. LaToya sure looks a lot like Michael. Mark McGrath is kind of a doofus.

And some celebrity questions: Does Donald Trump force his sons to have bad hair so they can all match? Will Niki Taylor and the Playmate ever talk? How long before Jose Canseco pops Richard Hatch?

I think Star Jones is going to win. What do you guys think?


Anonymous said...

Very funny post! I agree. LOVE to see the celebs when they are being themselves. The most spoiled, stupid, egocentric, clueless, insane versions of themselves. The crazier they are? The better I feel about being me. Is that so wrong?

Keenly Kiki said...

I googled, "I hate Dionne Warwick" and I found your blog at the very top. I totally want Dionne off! Tonight, she called Nikki Taylor a hussy. The sweetest woman and mother of 2 boys a "hussy"... what?! I already thought less of her for all of the reasons you mentioned. Well, I am thinking John Rich will win. He stands out. Love your gorgeous blog. Take care! - Kirstin from Omaha, NE

Triplezmom said...

@Lola I think it's awesome.

@Kiki Thanks for coming by! And for searching "I hate Dionne Warwick".

Kiki said...

I googled, "I hate Dionne Warwick" and I found your blog at the very top. I totally want Dionne off! Tonight, she called Nikki Taylor a hussy. The sweetest woman and mother of 2 boys a "hussy"... what?! I already thought less of her for all of the reasons you mentioned. Well, I am thinking John Rich will win. He stands out. Love your gorgeous blog. Take care! - Kirstin from Omaha, NE

Bry said...

I, like Kiki above, googled "I hate Dionne Warwick", and came to your site. For all the reasons stated above. Man, I had no idea she was such a C-word before her behavior on the Apprentice. Can't wait for her to go!!

Ritty Kap said...

I agree. Whenever her music comes on the radio now, I switch the station. She is such a cruel- hearted person. She has evil in her eyes and seems very bitter.
I'm definitely NOT a fan anymore.

triplezmom said...

I know! It's one thing to have a big ego, but it's another to be just flat out mean.

Anonymous said...

One drop of poison infects the whole tun of wine.