
Take The Pledge

So there's a new button on my sidebar.

BWS tips button

And even though all of the buttons on my sidebar are fabulous and worth your time, this one might be worth a bit more.

This pledge has nothing to do with allegiance to the flag or the refusal to drink human blood (any True Blood fans?). This is a pledge for mom bloggers to stop bullying. To stop putting down parents who don't adhere to our parenting ideals. To stop leaving nasty comments. To remember that we're all adults here and that it is okay to disagree. To realize that making your infant go through the "Your Baby Can Read!" program is not child abuse (just an enormous waste of time. But what you do with your time is totally not my business). To set an example for our kids so that they don't turn into bullies.

I think it goes really well with another button on my site.

This site was started by the fabulous Aunt Becky as a place where anyone could share their stories and get support. Some of the stories are extremely painful to read. And yet, at the end of each one, you realize that the writer has survived. And was brave enough to share.  And there are the wonderfully supportive and loving comments on each post. It's not that everyone agrees with everything, or that there's always an expert to give advice. It's that each person comes from a place of kindness and respect.  It is a beautiful community.

I think it's quite possible that if we all took the pledge to heart, the whole mommy blogging community could be that beautiful.

And then we could take over the damn world.


Shell said...

It's such a fabulous idea, isn't it? Glad I could help spread the word about it.

Shell said...

Oh and make sure you link up over on The Mom Pledge- mine is just spreading the word. ;)

silken said...

will have to check it out. and of course, I pledge not to bully. I like to hear and learn from everyone else, different perspective or not. it helps to be able to see things from other point of views. I don't want to listen to anyone rant, whether they agree w/ me or not. it is nice to listen to all views w/ no bullying or bickering!

Alexandra said...

Just read your post there.

Your kids will take your cue from you.

Ther is no shame in being upright and honest.

You can't put a price on that.

They are seeing life as it really is, and that's a good thing.

We went through this 2 years ago. My kids are so much better off than the spoiled brats I see.

Keep on keeping on.

Shell said...

Oh and make sure you link up over on The Mom Pledge- mine is just spreading the word. ;)