
Not a Genius, But Possibly a Loser

My super new genius parenting idea?

Didn't turn out to be much of a time saver. Crackers and pretzels and whatnot work great, but cheese? Not so much. And we won't even talk about their reaction to the apples. Maybe if I didn't still have to cut them for Hugmonkey.

I'm thinking about trying again, using a drawer in the refrigerator and a specific snack drawer. It will require a lot more prep time in the morning, but fewer interruptions have got to be worth it. I also made the mistake of watching Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution, so now I want to modify the family's eating habits. And then I read about 7 articles about pesticides and plastics and I kind of want to go organic.

Can broke people even go organic?

I suppose another option would be to stop reading magazines and watching TV, but since they are some of the few vices I have left I don't think that's gonna happen. Not being a supermom means I need my vices.

In other not-genius news, I invited 38 people to go to the park with us yesterday. All of Ironflower's and Lovebug's classmates. I mentioned this to the kids. It made the fact that 2 kids showed up go from a happy surprise to disappointment.

Not only am I not a genius, but apparently I'm not very popular either. Obviously it's time for black eyeliner, more tattoos and a vampire fetish. Or something that will make me the cool mom and not the loser mom.


Lisa R. said...

Of course you can go organic! Just grow all your family's produce in your own backyard with the labor of your own little hands. (You know, in your abundant spare time.) Instead of man-made frankenfertilizers, encourage the plants to grow with your own sweet breath by gently whispering poems to them at twilight.

themomsmith said...

I have totally been there with the kids not showing up. I'm not sure who it upset more - me or the kid. I think me.