
Already Becoming a Man

It's always been Ironflower who's been in a rush to grow up. She's the one who weaned herself at 10 months. She's the one who doesn't want a goodnight song anymore. She's the one who asked her dance teacher if she could do her own make-up for the recital. I've been having to let her go before I was ready for years now.

But I thought I had more time with Lovebug. I mean, I could see that Lovebug was maturing. He's 5 now, after all. But he still gets freaked out by loud noises. He still likes a song before he goes to sleep. He still cries hysterically when his little brother bites him (Yes, my Hugmonkey is a biter. A particularly vicious and persistent one, but only if you really piss him off. And are a related to him. We're working on it. Though we've pretty much tried everything outside of dipping ourselves in hot sauce.)

Yet last week I watched him casually lift his shirt up for the benefit of a classmate and his mom. He did it 2 or 3 times, until the mom asked him what had happened to his stomach. "Oh, my little brother bit me. It didn't hurt that much," said Lovebug casually. "I'm pretty tough." His audience was duly impressed. I was shocked.

First of all, Lovebug flips out when Hugmonkey bites him. He starts to cry even if Hugmonkey comes near him with his mouth open. And second of all, my 5 year old just engineered a situation so that he could brag about his scar. Next he's going to stop asking for directions and start drinking milk out of the carton.

I am so not ready for this.


WordVixen said...

Thank God you were talking about Lovebug! When I first read the title, I thought you were having a sex change or something. :-D

silken said...

it's bittersweet watching them grow up! my 18 yr old is getting ready to head to college in the falll....

DIAPERS in the DESERT said...

Kenzey has started to shows signs of biting... well only ME and when I happen to piss her off. I have managed to escape her teeth just in time but it is only a matter of time before I have a mark. Is it wrong that I totally thought it was CUTE that he impressed everyone with his sibling war wound? hehe.

Triplezmom said...

@Wordvixen, much as I'd love to be a drag queen, that's a little extreme for me.

@silken, I can't imagine.

@Diapers, it was cute, just unlike him. And the biting. . .oy. Good luck. I hope Kenzey outgrows it faster than Hugmonkey.