
Mommy Blogger on Mommy Blogger Crime

I spend way too much time on the computer, yet there are still whole days that go by where I have no idea what's trending on Twitter or what my favorite bloggers have written. Okay, maybe not ENTIRE days, but long stretches of them. There's raising my children, making sure we have clean dishes, clothes and bathrooms (er, and sometimes I clean other stuff too - just not very often), volunteering here and there, "talking" to my husband, actually writing, occasionally going to the gym, reading and of course watching crappy television. I be busy, yo.

Or at least that's my excuse for apparently missing out on an entire subgroup within the mommy blogging community. It could also be that I don't pay enough attention to other bloggers' comment sections.

I know that there are people out there who have nothing better to do than to leave nasty comments on the internet. I know that some of them leave their nasty comments on blogs rather than FoxNews.com. I know that other, more famous/controversial/talented bloggers get things like hate mail and nasty comments. But I didn't know that there are entire blogs written just to insult these bloggers.

Every once in a while, I read something on a blog that really annoys me. Or I have thought like, "Gee, you're kind of a bitch/dumbass/douchebag," while reading. You know what I do then? I stop reading the damn blog. Maybe I'll even unfollow it or something, like when I accidentally found myself reading someone praising Michele Bachmann. And then I totally forget about it, because there are approximately a million other blogs I enjoy reading, plus all that kid wrangling, cleaning and writing I gotta do every day.

I cannot fathom taking my dislike of these bloggers (or, really, their posts, since I don't actually know any of them) and turning it into a blog about how awful they are. Which is really something, considering that I'm kind of a misanthrope. I guess I'm just a misanthrope who has a life.

Yesterday, when I discovered one of these blogs, I read several posts in fascination. Apparently, the angry blogger had a legitimate and fundamental disagreement with the bloggers whom she was  mocking. But instead of writing about her reasoning, using statistics and facts. . .she decided to just deface pictures of the other bloggers and call them names. I am guessing that the angry blogger is also a fan of Ann Coulter's, or at least a student at the Glenn Beck School of Debate. Notice how I just made fun of the angry blogger without calling names or doing anything else abusive?

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One of the posts I read made fun of The Mom Pledge. I mean, of course it did, considering the sole purpose of the blog is to stalk, bully and insult other bloggers. But do you know that when I first signed the pledge I had no idea that it was about anything more than nasty comments? Yeah, apparently I'm not just naive about dental dams. Am I the only one this naive or did you all know about these mean blogs? Have you read any of them? Can you please tell me what the hell is wrong with these people? 

I do not understand reading and memorizing the words of a blogger I hate, then spending my precious writing time blogging about them. I understand being jealous of people. I understand hating people. Though, for me, those groups tend to be mutually exclusive (though I wouldn't mind Sarah Palin's income, I'm not jealous of how she gets it, you know?). But even if I found someone who fit in both categories, why would I torture myself reading them? And then let my insecure inner 8th grader (that was a really bad year for me, socially and fashion-wise) roam free on the internet sharing all my bitchy thoughts? 

I mean, I still feel bad about the girl I made fun of when I was actually in 8th grade (in my defense, it was only twice, whereas I was made fun of every single day in social studies class. Though not by that poor girl. It was a bunch of boys. I will still not friend any of them on Facebook, no matter how many times their damn names pop up. So there.). I am not proud of my inner insecure, awkward, mean junior high school girl. 

What are your thoughts? 


Greg Blackshear said...

You hit the nail on the head when you said the defacing and name calling of those whom we don't agree with shows a lack of debating skill and devoting entire blogs to try and degrade someone actually comes across as creepy.

Triplezmom said...

It definitely veers into angry stalker territory.

Leslie said...

I'm not in the inner-circle. I have no idea about those blogs. Sometimes I'll catch a comment on Twitter that suggests something, but I'm too lazy and not cunning enough to hunt it down and figure it out. I mostly just stay in my little section of the blogosphere. I like it. It smells like cookies.