
What I Learned from Snowtober

So. It snowed here a couple of days ago. You might have heard about it? I don't know how big the story was, because I just survived 48 hours with no cable, no landline and no internet. We were very lucky and I mean that sincerely. Nothing hurt our house, we had heat and light most of the time and all that good stuff. In fact, we were so very fortunate that I actually learned a few things. . . .

Without TV or internet in my life, I would:

1. Enjoy talking to my neighbors more. In fact, I'd be so desperate for adult conversation that I'd probably strike up conversations with strangers at the grocery store.

2. Have everything in my house organized and labelled, including underwear drawers.

3. Eat more chocolate. Actually, I'd probably just eat more everything.

4. Go back to scribbling obsessively in spiral notebooks.

5. Become very frustrated with commercial radio. It's easy to flip stations in the car, not so much when the radio is at one end of the house and you're up to your elbows in dirty dishes at the other.

If I lived in a place where October snowstorms were normal, I would:

1. Have Seasonal Affective Disorder, or something close to it.

2. Own a generator.

3. Stop fantasizing about moving somewhere warm and actually plan for it.

4. Invest in long underwear. How much less sexy could it be than granny panties?


WordVixen said...

Hubs and I got very lucky- we didn't even lose electricity! My in-laws lost cable overnight, but I think it was back the following day. Literally only a block away from them (and we live less than a mile away from them) they lost electricity and huge limbs were down in almost ever yard and across the road. I never did ask my mom how things were her way, though... and I know people near Allentown who only got their electric back (solidly) something like Tuesday? Craziness.

Triplezmom said...

I know people who STILL don't have electricity, it's so crazy.