
Move, Asshole!

Over on Mushroom Printing, it's Shut Your Whore Mouth Monday, aka, SYWMM. That means you can rant on your own blog or in the comments about someone who needs to shut the fuck up. I keep forgetting to do it, because I'm disorganized where blogging is concerned. But today I remembered and I conveniently have the perfect candidate: A guy named Thomas.

Thomas recently wrote to the local paper about how terrible it was that our town has ended rear yard trash pick up. This means that instead of just leaving trash cans by our back doors, we actually have to bring them all the way to the curb! (Actually, we always had to do this on my street, but I digress) Even when it's raining or snowing! You can see why Thomas is so upset, can't you? Especially when the cost for rear yard trash pick up is just slightly more than dental insurance for Board of Education employees*. Thomas thinks it's unfair our taxes are going to pay for the dental insurance of the professionals who educate our children when instead those taxes could be making sure that he doesn't have to haul his trash cans out in the rain!

I am not making this up.

He sees this as 115 families (those that are employed by the Board of Ed) versus 2200 families (those who live in town). Not, you know, that dental insurance is included with Board of Ed jobs everywhere and most people don't have rear yard trash pick up because it's really not that freaking hard to roll the can down the driveway once a week. And not only does he think this, he wrote to the paper about it. After the whole trash pick up thing had already been decided. Last year.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Thomas doesn't respect teachers all that much.

I wonder if Thomas gets dental insurance through his own job? (Which, according to my short Google research, could be a little shady). I wonder how he'd feel if his boss cut dental insurance for his employees so the boss could have a limo take him to and from work?

I can't believe I spent 10 minutes researching this guy. I wish he'd SHUT HIS WHORE MOUTH.

*Can you believe rear yard trash pick up for a very small town costs more than dental insurance for over a hundred families? Do you want to start a trash company with me? 


thepsychobabble said...

Priorities. Clearly, his are whack.

Annifer Tookel said...

Dude, I had no idea rear yard trash pick up was an OPTION.
Funny story: My parents had a neighbor who followed the trash truck around the neighborhood and put your trash can back for you. Just some random nice guy from down the street. It was kinda awesome.