
Wordless Wednesday: Losing My Virginity

I've never done Wordless Wednesday before. Clearly, since I am writing words instead of just posting a picture. And I called myself a virgin in the title. Duh.

 But I have to explain why I am posting a 6 year old picture. It's because I couldn't find it the other day when I wanted to explain why so many people come to this blog looking for boobs. I think it is the only picture I still have of me actually breastfeeding, probably because while breastfeeding was easy for me, it did make me eat like a horse and break out frequently. So I avoided being photographed during . . .um. . .40 months of my life. Except this time, because I was on a glacier in Alaska.

That is Lovebug. At 4 months old, he still nursed every two hours. 
Technically, the glacier is behind me. But it sounds so much better to say "on the glacier" instead of "by the glacier". Besides, I would have nursed on the glacier if Hot Guy had let me. 


Cindy Lou Who said...

People are weird. Searching for boobs on the internet when there are so many Hooters restaurants everywhere...

Unknown said...

Happy Wordless Wednesday! You can visit me at http://www.mymodernguide.com/2012/08/wordless-wednesday.html

Beki :-)

Esme Sy said...

Love the post. Happy WW.

Sweet Potato Fries