
OMG, It's FINALLY The First Day of School

All three kids are starting school today. All three will be at the same school, even. The idea of them all being in the same place, with 2 of them on the same hours, kinda fills my heart with joy.

Okay, so does the idea of them going back to school. I love my kids to pieces, but I also love to be alone. And they love school, so it all works out. Our relaxing summer was great, but it was also long.

You know you've made the complete evolution from teacher to stay-at-home mom when you find the summers long. Of course, long as it was, we still only managed to do about half the things I wanted to do. Though when I was making these plans in my head, I really didn't get how much time it would take me to recover from that thing I said I would never talk about again. I also didn't realize how much writing for the content farm contributed to our entertainment budget.

So it's back to the gym and the content farm now that school is starting again. Did I mention that? And that all 3 kids are less than 5 minutes away? And Hugmonkey is going EVERY morning? I'm more excited than they are. I'm hoping to be able to exercise and write for money and still blog. Because I'm really enjoying blogging again.

My 3 high points of the summer were: our trips to the Bronx Zoo, watching Ironflower and Lovebug become great swimmers and discovering blogging again. What were yours?

Farewell, summer 2012. You were pretty awesome.


Cindy Lou Who said...

3 high points of summer: fossil hunting in a fossil burning H2; new shoes; quitting a hotrific job

Unknown said...

An exciting day - best of luck to you all!