
Pop Culture Thursday: Because We Need to Talk About Game of Thrones

Spoiler Alert: If you haven't seen last Sunday's episode of Game of Thrones (Season 3, Episode 9, not that I'm religiously keeping track or anything), please stop reading right now. Go watch it and then come back. I'll wait. And if you don't watch Game of Thrones, please go read an old post or something. 

After seeing the Red Wedding, Hot Guy is thinking of not watching Game of Thrones anymore. He only read the first book, so while he was expecting something bad to happen, he wasn't expecting anything like that. He is pissed because he feels like they're killing off all of his favorite characters.

Which I get. I remember rereading that section of A Storm of Swords several times, sure I'd missed the part where it said the whole thing was Catelyn's dream.

But for me, my favorite part is the plot - the story - the game, if you will. Sure, I like some characters and I hate some other characters (House Bolton, I'm looking at you assholes) but more than anything, I want to know what's going to happen. Who's going to sit on the Iron Throne - hell, will there even be an Iron Throne? Will there be any Starks left? All the characters I like could die and I would still want to know what happened.

Which is not to say that I won't be pissed if Jamie, Arya, Brienne or Arianne dies. See, show only people - you haven't even met some of the coolest characters yet!

What about you? Is there anyone George could kill that would make you stop reading/watching? If you started with the show, do you even want to read the books? Did the Red Wedding make you want to give up on the show?

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