
Maybe Congress Should Get Their Pay in Food Boxes


The party that doesn’t want the government involved in healthcare thinks the government should do your grocery shopping?

There’s actually something to be said for group negotiations to get more food for less money- that’s why food banks prefer monetary donations. So implemented properly with food banks leading the way and boxes tailored to health needs, I don’t think Trump’s food boxes idea is inherently bad. 

I mean, there’s a reason military families shop on base despite options being more limited. Although, not as limited as Trump wants to make them. 


If you run around screaming that you want smaller government and more freedom, but you also stop letting people chose their own food...well, that seems pretty ridiculous. 

Especially when so many of the people on SNAP benefits work at places like Walmart, which profits hugely from SNAP...

And let's also remember that SNAP spending is only about 2.3% of the total budget so even if you eliminated it, you wouldn't be reducing a big chunk of our spending.

So this food boxes idea doesn't really help the overall budget, will reduce retailer profits and economic activity (link says that for every $1 spent in SNAP benefits, there's $1.70 in economic activity) and prevents families from choosing their own groceries.

SNAP is actually one of the most efficient government programs. It prevents people from going hungry. It actually helps the economy. And this is where Trump and his friends in the GOP think they need to start revamping the budget?

It's just as stupid as building a wall on the border when most undocumented people are people who overstayed their visas and much of the border already has a damn wall.

It's playing to the ignorance and prejudices of their base.

It's so disgusting.

They should all get paid in food boxes for a month and see how they like it. 

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