
Crone Thoughts

If I was an old curmudgeonly crone, I would complain about these things today. I would bitch and bitch until the nurses brought me a Valium. Unfortunately, while I am edging closer to crone status, no one is bringing me any Valium. So instead I blog.

Things That Tick Me Off:

1. The "Right To Dry" movement: This a movement for people who are ticked off because their communities' bylaws won't allow them to put up clotheslines. Yes, in an age where we are at war, where people are starving to death every day, where for every cured disease there are three new ones, these people are fighting for. . . .clotheslines. Ever heard of moving? Using the basement? Using the bathroom? I mean, do we really need a movement for this?

2. Chocolate Altoids: I LOVE chocolate. I like Altoids. But this combination is just wrong. It's not that I don't like minty chocolate, but there are levels. Altoids are too strong. I mean, I also like french fries, but that doesn't mean they need to be coated in chocolate. Sometimes you want chocolate, sometimes you want fried goodness and sometimes you want a breath mint that will cure garlic. It doesn't mean all the good stuff has to go together.

3. Starbucks in My Grocery Store: If you live in any region but the northeast, trust me when I say that your grocery store can handle a Starbucks. Mine can't. Here in Bergen County, land is scarce. Stores are small. You are lucky if you can get two carts across an aisle. With the stores already overcrowded, why are we taking up precious space with a Starbucks? There are already FOUR places to get morning coffee in our town of less than 7,000. Besides, who really wants to spend more time at the grocery store? Are you really going to meet a friend for coffee. . .at the grocery store?

4. Missy, SuperClassParent: Yesterday was Ironflower's preschool's fundraiser at Barnes and Noble. Basically, the more money you spent at the store, the more money the school got. The teachers all had wish lists, yadda, yadda. I overheard the event organizer talking about big spenders this morning. Missy spent $500 yesterday. On the teachers, not even on Christmas gifts. Who spends that? Okay, I would love to. But that is so not gonna happen.

So, please tell me I'm not the only one. What dumb stuff is ticking you off today? (children and husbands not included, because that goes without saying)


Leslie said...

Just so you know, I officially HATE Missy. $500? That's comparable to my entire budget for Christmas gifts. Ugh!

The thing that has me really ticked off today? Julia had gymnastics at the YMCA today. Each week, they do something special. This week, the kids got to wear their pajamas to class. On our way there, we stopped in the bathroom and a woman stopped me and said, "Is your daughter actually wearing her pajamas here?"

I told her it was pajama day in gymnastics, but what I really wanted to do was flick her in the nose.

Jerseygirl89 said...

Leslie - Oh, I'm so glad. I thought maybe this Missy thing was common and I was weird. And I'm thinking you should have flicked the Y lady in the nose, but your restraint was probably a better example for Julia.

Kathy, the Bloghore said...

O.K. - here's one for ya. If you've been reading my school yard tales of the bi-atches I deal with, you'll know that I've been publicly snubbed on more than one occassion from HB (and in case you're wondering that stands for halitosis breath!). Anyways, she lives directly across the street from me and ignores me and every opportunity. I now treat her the same way. Today....she approached my hubby and asked him if we were attending the Santa Clause parade (which is this weekend) and could she get a RIDE!!!


Can you effin' believe that.

The only way she's getting anywhere near my car is if she's standing on the street, in front of it!!


Jerseygirl89 said...

Kathy, HB is just plain evil. I hope you wave to her as you drive off to the parade!

Sarene - Hi, nice to "meet" you! I think you have every right to be ticked at your mom. Have you mentioned the thank you notes thing? That might inspire her to be more helpful.

Infant Clothes said...

A movement for clotheslines? I just find it rediculous that it's gotten to the point where you can't hang out your laundry and save on electricity or gas

Leslie said...

Just so you know, I officially HATE Missy. $500? That's comparable to my entire budget for Christmas gifts. Ugh!

The thing that has me really ticked off today? Julia had gymnastics at the YMCA today. Each week, they do something special. This week, the kids got to wear their pajamas to class. On our way there, we stopped in the bathroom and a woman stopped me and said, "Is your daughter actually wearing her pajamas here?"

I told her it was pajama day in gymnastics, but what I really wanted to do was flick her in the nose.