
Should I Send It?

Dear Producers of Wife Swap,

While I am consistently entertained by your show, especially your ability to find people whose lifestyles are SO extreme, I think it's time to move on. There are only so many versions of "tight-assed, demanding mom vs. laid back, irresponsible mom" that you can do. And yet I would be sad to see your show go off the air.

So I have a suggestion for a new version. How about "Wife Vacation"? Send an overworked, overstressed mom on a vacation and film how her family copes without her. Sure, you won't have as much confrontation but I can guarantee a lot more laughs. And crying husbands. Ratings gold, I'm sure.

Or, it that's too much of a departure, could you at least switch some similar moms? Swap those uber-protective, anal and competitive moms with each other and see what happens? You could add in a competition to see who has the cleanest home or the most repressed kids! Or swap the the spoiled princess wives and have them compare how indulgent their husbands are.

Just change something, please. A reality show that's SO predictable is in danger of becoming as meaningless as the formerly awesome Real World.




You'll notice that I have publicly declared that I watch your show. As someone who TWICE got dumped for being "too intellectual" and who often insults reality TV, please appreciate how embarrassing this declaration has been for me. Take my advice seriously.


DMLD said...

PRICELESS! I totally agree. I would actually sign up for the momcation show. Dear Hubby would be shellshocked considering not only do I keep our humble adobe running smoothly, but his office as well.

Great Post!


Marci said...

Please, please, please send this!! Great idea about the "Wife Vacation" - I might actually watch that :)

April said...

Send it!!!! I would love to see my hubby try and last a week without me. Make the rule though, no calling Grandma.

Travis Erwin said...

I've never seen the show but your idea sounds sound.

karen said...

I used to watch it too -- when I still watched TV. It's mindless but fun entertainment.

ExMi (expensivemistakescheapthrills) said...

i would NOT mind being a participant on THAT show.

great idea!

frogmama said...

I agree 100%. It's the one show that throws me into fits of laughing but yah, the over-the-topness made me stop watching. I love your P.S. I'm with April--send it!!

Leslie said...

Definitely send it. I don't watch Wife Swap, but I'd watch Momcation!

Leslie said...

Definitely send it. I don't watch Wife Swap, but I'd watch Momcation!