
I'm Not the Crazy One, Right?

So I read parenting magazines. Sometimes I find good ideas in them, sometimes I read about complicated crafts I will do with my kids if I ever have a lobotomy. Mostly they are just a good way to feed my addiction to the printed word. And occasionally they give me the chance to be a snarky bitch.

I've been obsessing about this one story I read and I've finally decided to appeal to the wisdom of the internets. I can't remember where the story was or precisely what it was in reference to - maybe something about a little disappointment being okay for kids? I'm not sure.

What I do remember is this: A woman's 2 daughters were given two different toys in their Happy Meals. The franchise was out of one toy, so the mother drove to FOUR DIFFERENT McDonald's franchises to find it. So her daughters could have the same toy.

Now, I'm all about my kids getting the same stuff and equal treatment and all that. BUT oh my freaking goddess, this is a McDonald's toy we're talking about. Those of us who give in to the demon fast food throw out bags of those toys every year. Chances are the kids would have gotten over it quickly, but the mother didn't want her kids to be upset for even a second.

Those kids are going to be a lot of fun when they get to kindergarten and find out they can't be line leader every day. Right? I mean, this woman's crazy, isn't she? She even said that the kids had both fallen asleep in the car by the time she got the toy. This is taking the whole positive experiences/devoted parenting thing too far, is it not?

It occurred to me, though, after my initial shock wore off, that I know some parents who would do this. That maybe I'm the one who's crazy - crazy mean, that is. So, what do you think? Would you drive to 4 McDonald's franchises so that your kids could have the same toy? Or is this woman what's with kids today?


Anonymous said...

there is no way in hell i would drive all over kingdom come for a mcdonald's toy.....or any toy for that matter. geez louise. that woman is crazy with a capital C.

Lori Stefanac (Lola) said...

When I drive through McDonald's, I often specify that, although I have 2 boys who want "Happy Meals", he is only to put a toy inside ONE bag. Then I make sure he doesn't tell us which bag has the toy. One kid gets a toy and the other is just shit out of luck until (maybe) the next time. I am, afterall, preparing my kids for REAL life, in all it's unfairness and inequality. Is this so wrong?

By the way, I'm a new fan. I think you are hilarious!

LunaNik said...

My two oldest girls are almost exactly 1 year apart in age. Meaning, if they are not treated exactly equal then all hell breaks loose. I have experienced the "different McD's toy" meltdown first hand and it is ugly. UGLY. To combat this, I have come up with a rather ingenious plan...no more Happy Meals. When they want McD's, I get a 10 piece box of nuggets and a small coke for them to split. So, to answer your question, not only is this woman crazy...she is C.R.A.Z.Y.

Caitlin MidAtlantic said...

I came over from Pretty All True, and love you! That woman is nuts! I can hear some other moms saying, "OMG she took her kids for FAST FOOD? Call Social Services!"

And I would say those women are nuts too. But for different reasons. Let your kids bicker for 10 minutes and then forget they stupid toy every existed! I really love LunaNik's suggestion above of splitting the 10-piece nuggets! I'm stealing that idea.

kittycat said...

When my kids were little. I have to say probably yes. I fall victim to doing whatever it takes to make my kids happy. Even at ages 16 and 20.

Jaime said...

I have tricked my child into not even realizing there is a toy in there! I only give her the ones that she migh actually want to play with for more than .3 seconds. She has 3 My Little Ponies and a surfer Barbre. All others have been tossed before they were even out of thier bags.

StephLove said...

Goodness, gracious. No, no I would not.

DIAPERS in the DESERT said...

I read that same story, Nov. Parents Magazine... When I finished reading it, my jaw was open. You are not crazy. I would NEVER drive around to do that. I love my Parents magazines too!

Triplezmom said...

@Anonymous I know, right? No toy is that cool.

Triplezmom said...

@Lori Stefanac (Lola) Welcome! And your idea is hilarious too.

Triplezmom said...

@LunaNikFor a long time, I told my kids they were out of toys and did the 10 piece thing. Now that they are older this doesn't really work, but they also don't care that much about the toys anymore. Thank God.

Triplezmom said...

@Mrs. MidAtlantic Welcome and thank you! It's possible that a lot of moms are nuts. Possible.

Triplezmom said...

@kittycatYou are sweet. Hopefully they appreciate you!

Triplezmom said...

@JaimeVery smart. Although I blame McDonald's for ever starting my daughter's interest in My Little Ponies.

Triplezmom said...

@StephLoveSo glad I'm not the only one!

Triplezmom said...

@DIAPERS in the DESERTI thought it might be Parents magazine, but I wasn't sure. If nothing else, what a horrible waste of gas!

Lisa R. said...

I'd like to say I would never even consider driving around like that mom did.

But I am also a mom whose child was desperate to have a certain fast food toy a couple of years back, and after several kids' meals (which was several more than we would ever have bought if not for the quest for this toy) that failed to yield said toy, just ordered the dang thing on eBay, went to Fastfoodjoint one more time, and slipped it into the bag when Desperatechild wasn't looking.

Catootes said...

Unequivocably NO!

I may go to some extremes to get my kids the big item on the birthday or christmas list, but spend that kind of time over a freakin' Happy Meal toy? No way in hell.

At some point we actually stopped buying Happy Meals, on those rare occassions we went to a fast food joint, and chose instead to buy hamburgers and fries separately. Soda's not our thing, so soft drinks weren't needed.

Crazy, is what that is. Beyond the normal parent crazy.

silken said...

WOW! I have seen a dad come in from the drive thru line w/ two ice cream cones in hands....they were not equal sizes and he wanted them equaled up!!!!!!!!!

Liam said...

sometimes people go way overboard in an attempt to feel better about themselves as parents. driving around looking for a happy meal toy is beyond ridiculous. and as you said, good luck to those children when they enter the wonderful world of school.

Liam said...

sometimes people go way overboard in an attempt to feel better about themselves as parents. driving around looking for a happy meal toy is beyond ridiculous. and as you said, good luck to those children when they enter the wonderful world of school.

Catootes said...

Unequivocably NO!

I may go to some extremes to get my kids the big item on the birthday or christmas list, but spend that kind of time over a freakin' Happy Meal toy? No way in hell.

At some point we actually stopped buying Happy Meals, on those rare occassions we went to a fast food joint, and chose instead to buy hamburgers and fries separately. Soda's not our thing, so soft drinks weren't needed.

Crazy, is what that is. Beyond the normal parent crazy.

Lori Stefanac (Lola) said...

When I drive through McDonald's, I often specify that, although I have 2 boys who want "Happy Meals", he is only to put a toy inside ONE bag. Then I make sure he doesn't tell us which bag has the toy. One kid gets a toy and the other is just shit out of luck until (maybe) the next time. I am, afterall, preparing my kids for REAL life, in all it's unfairness and inequality. Is this so wrong?

By the way, I'm a new fan. I think you are hilarious!