
Zyrtec Whore

The drug store was out of Zyrtec the other day and I may have started to hyperventilate.

Zyrtec is the only thing that works on my allergies. It works better than the TEN FREAKING YEARS of allergy shots I had (although, in the shots' defense, some of my allergies have changed, such as from hay to dogs) and better than everything else I have ever taken. Zyrtec means that I don't constantly have a runny nose and that my eyes aren't always red and that being outside in the fall doesn't mean I'll soon have a killer headache.

Also, as I discovered to my massive distress when I took a few days off of it during my sinus infection (antihistamines always make my sinus infections worse), I now need it to sleep. Even though I was completely exhausted and sick, I did not get more than 3 hours of sleep per night. . .until I went back to my beloved Zyrtec.

I don't remember reading "may become habit forming" in the literature (or in the literature of the knock-off brand I've started buying), but I'm pretty sure it's right up there with crack.

I literally started to panic when I realized they didn't have it. I started calculating how much I had left and whether I had enough time to score somewhere else. I may have started sweating.

See, this is exactly why I didn't experiment with drugs in my youth. I KNEW I would like them and risk turning into a coke whore (this was the 80's. In New Jersey. It was possible.). Now, I'm not saying I'd be a Zyrtec whore, but I would totally think about it.


DIAPERS in the DESERT said...

I completely understand. Well, I don't have allergies per say but when I have a cold/allergy symptoms I LOVE the Nasonex Spray. I think I would Cry if they ran out. Its funny, every time I end up using it my mom lectures me about how back in the day people went to rehab for their addiction to nasal spray?? I don't care... I can stop anytime I want...really (well, unless I have a runny nose or get allergies then it really doesn't count)

WordVixen said...

Yup, once upon a time, my dad actually banned me from the Alkaseltzer Plus fizzy tabs. I was taking half a dose (a single fizzy tab) right before bed every night because it helped me to breathe through my nose. He panicked and thought that I was addicted. :-/ Luckily, I moved out a few months later and have since found out that I was just allergic to something in or near their house. I have allergies here too, but not as bad, and we use a special allergen filter which helps. Vacuuming a lot would help more, but that involves work.

lizard said...

get the costco brand of zyrtec - one bottle has 365 pills - yup, that's a YEAR'S supply in one handy bottle. i love it. :) (also, that year's supply? $15. seriously.)

KittyCat said...

I know how you feel. My sportsman used to take tavistate D and then they took it off the market.

He has been struggling every since to find something new

Triplezmom said...

@DIAPERS in the DESERT Look at this way, I'm sure it's way less damaging than so many of the other drugs people put up their noses. And it totally doesn't count if you have actually symptoms.

Triplezmom said...

@WordVixen I am pretty convinced that when I have to do the vacuuming, my allergies get worse.

Triplezmom said...

@lizard If they don't have this at my Costco I am sending you $$ to buy this for me, okay? Not that I have a problem.

Triplezmom said...

@KittyCatOh my gosh, poor sportsman! If this happens to me I will flip out.

lizard said...

get the costco brand of zyrtec - one bottle has 365 pills - yup, that's a YEAR'S supply in one handy bottle. i love it. :) (also, that year's supply? $15. seriously.)

WordVixen said...

Yup, once upon a time, my dad actually banned me from the Alkaseltzer Plus fizzy tabs. I was taking half a dose (a single fizzy tab) right before bed every night because it helped me to breathe through my nose. He panicked and thought that I was addicted. :-/ Luckily, I moved out a few months later and have since found out that I was just allergic to something in or near their house. I have allergies here too, but not as bad, and we use a special allergen filter which helps. Vacuuming a lot would help more, but that involves work.

DIAPERS in the DESERT said...

I completely understand. Well, I don't have allergies per say but when I have a cold/allergy symptoms I LOVE the Nasonex Spray. I think I would Cry if they ran out. Its funny, every time I end up using it my mom lectures me about how back in the day people went to rehab for their addiction to nasal spray?? I don't care... I can stop anytime I want...really (well, unless I have a runny nose or get allergies then it really doesn't count)