
Some Thoughts on Jessica Simpson

If I see one more headline talking about Jessica Simpson being pregnant again "just" seven months after giving birth, I'm going to smack someone.

I'm sure somewhere in my archives is the story of how I got pregnant "just" six months after having Ironflower, but I'm too ticked off to look for it. So let me summarize: I got pregnant with Lovebug six months after I had Ironflower and didn't even realize it for five months. My periods had been totally erratic, I had no morning sickness and I figured exhaustion was normal for a working mom of a baby. Even the fact that I suddenly stopped losing baby weight - and in fact started gaining it - I blamed on my stressful work environment and exhaustion.

Anyway, I'm having a "Leave Britney alone!" moment. Well, without the crying. Or the vlogging.

Use this picture of an unknowingly pregnant me to humanize my rant. I'm so not vlogging. 

Leave Jessica alone, for the love of God! She doesn't need to be reminded of how quickly she got pregnant again, or how she'll soon have to handle two kids under two. She's in the process of dealing with a lot of emotions right now and pointing it out on magazine covers isn't helping. You don't get all judgey when someone has twins through IVF or uses a surrogate or has kids 15 years apart or whatever else is different from the norm. Why this? Stop trying to turn her into Octomom. 


The tabloid reader* in me also does not care to hear about Jessica's pregnancy. Much as I feel for her right now, I don't find her interesting. She's preggers again. Okay. Let's move on to something more interesting, like which Downton Abbey actors hang out together in real life. Or how many Tea Party politicians are cheating on their spouses right this minute. 

On a final note, my 15 months apart kids? Are the best of friends. It was hard on me, but it's been a blessing for them. 

*I do not actually purchase tabloids. But I would if they took some of my ideas to heart. 


Cindy Lou Who said...

And what about Lilo? Does anybody really give a shit about her latest antic? People read thay shit so they can feel better about themselves; which is also why shit like "Hoarders" &the Honey Boo Boo is so popular. I'm like you, I don't read that crap, but it's kind of hard not to know about it when NEWS PROGRAMS have segments on this junk and NEWSpapers have articles. Ugh. Disgusting.

silken said...

my mom and her brother are 11 months apart....and I know several folks that are 15 months apart....