
Only a Family Member Can Sign You Up for Hoarders, Right?

It's not that I don't want to buy Girl Scout cookies from your kid. I do. I love Thin Mints. I love that now you can donate box right on the form.

But please don't show up at my house unannounced.

See the table? It always looks like that.

I do not keep a neat house. This is one of our family resolutions for 2013, but we haven't achieved it quite yet. And on Sunday afternoons when it's not soccer season and we're not going to Grammy's house and there aren't any birthday parties and the weather is cold and the budget is tight? You are likely to find us all in our pajamas. In our messy house. My hair will be unwashed. The trash bags will be by the door because it's trash night.

I should have written this post last week because not only one but TWO little Girl Scouts showed up at our house today. Even worse, we actually knew the second Girl Scout.

Did I mention that there are also two broken lamps by the front door? And another huge pile of junk that's getting donated next week? Oh, and our walls are so desperately in need of paint that I have covered them with the children's drawings?

Any one of these factors wouldn't stress me out. But all of them? At the same time? With people who don't already appreciate how charming I am?


They're lucky I bought any cookies at all. But you know, Thin Mints.

I would love to be one of those people who's ready to entertain at the drop of a hat. I think I actually used to be one of those people. But I'm not now. So consider this a warning:

Don't show up unannounced if you want me to buy something from your kid. Or if you'd rather not know how slovenly I really am.



Cindy Lou Who said...

I like that I live in the middle of nowhere. Almost nobody shows up ever, much less unannounced.

Kirs said...

With a little boy who is turning one this Saturday that can turn the living room into a disaster area in under 5 minutes our house rarely looks neat.

I'm hoping one day it will. You know, in 18 years or so maybe.

Daydreaming Fool said...

Bawhaha - I COMPLETELY understand this....I'm the exact same way...showing up without notice?! NOT COOL! Glad you had cookies to balance out the not coolness :)

PS - The fun and memories that come with a well lived in house is worth way more than a spotless one. That's what my mother always told me anyway ;)

Leslie said...

Same here. Most of the time, my house is totally wrecked. I probably couldn't even offer you a place to sit down without cleaning off toys and/or food.

Thankfully, I have a side door, which is where most people come to knock, and you can't see into the rest of the house from there. All you can see is the little shoe-removal area. I keep that cleaned up, so all I have to do is send the most respectable looking person to the door to get rid of whoever the intruder is! Ha ha!

Triplezmom said...

Cindy - I may have to rethink my anti-country living stance.

Nina's Mama - That's when I'll start entertaining again, then. :) And happy birthday little one!

Daydreaming Fool - I like your mom's saying. Do they have giant posters of it anywhere? That's what I need to cover the paint in my hallway.

Leslie - You are smart. And I need to move!